The REL band offers students many performance opportunities.
All students are involved in the 2 main areas of the band curriculum: Marching band and concert band All students participate in the Marching band. Tryouts for show spots are during band camp in August each year. All students are placed in a skill appropriate concert ensemble each semester. 1st band. Wind Ensemble. 5A Varsity. For all the more mature and skilled players 2nd band. Symphonic Band. 5A Non-Varsity. For all the intermediate skill musicians 3rd band. Concert Band. 5A Sub Non-varsity. For all students needing to sharpen their skills on their instruments. Applied Music. A secondary class students can take to learn a new instrument, or advance their skills on their primary instrument.
Additionally students may participate in Jazz band, and Winterguard. Those are additional classes student take. They are not to replace the main band class, they are an additional elective class. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our close relationship with Lee College also offers our students (and any community member) the opportunity to participate in the following:
Bay Area Symphonic Winds: The BASW rehearses once a week on Monday nights at 7:00pm in the Lee HS band hall. They hold a concert once a semester. All are welcome to participate. All students and adults are invited to participate in this community band. This band is led by Lee band alumni Tommy Juarez.
The Thursday Night Jazz Ensemble: The TNJE accepts new members when needed to fill up the ensemble. They rehearse on Thursdays at 7:00pm in the Lee College band hall. This band is led by Director of Instrumental Music at lee College Dr. Tristan Eggener. The Bay Area Philharmonic: Made up of community musicians and a few HS students, the BAP rehearses once a week on Tuesday nights at 7:00pm in the Lee College band hall. Membership to the BSO is by audition. Contact Lee College, and their conductor Clarence Frank, for details.
For more information on all the Lee College ensembles, contact the music department.